
DeFi 101 - Page 4

Lending and Borrowing with Compound and Aave

Lending and Borrowing with Compound and Aave

If you’ve read our post on Maker, you now understand the granddaddy of all DeFi — Maker DAO.In this post, we’re going to cover an advancement of this lending and borrowing concept in DeFi, that is somewhat reminiscent of pawnshops. So here’s a setup you might know if you’ve ever been to a pawn shop…
Top Teams Building DeFi

Top Teams Building DeFi

DeFi is constantly changing, with new projects popping up seemingly every single day. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. We went with the more tried and tested projects, the ones that have been live the longest and have the most value locked in their smart contracts.…
Top Tools to Get Started with DeFi

Top Tools to Get Started with DeFi

In DeFi, our money is controlled by us, the user, while the apps we use are created by different teams who share one common thread, the blockchain. In most cases that’s Ethereum. The first tool one needs in DeFi is a wallet that interacts with smart contracts in DeFi apps so you can tell the…
How Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Other Blockchains Fit Within DeFi

How Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Other Blockchains Fit Within DeFi

DeFi today can be found mostly flourishing on Ethereum. New applications launch faster than you can keep up with.That empire is only going to grow. The network effects of developers working together and building composable tools that can be stacked and benefit one another is a very competitive moat, making it difficult for other smart…
What is Interoperability and Why is it Important?

What is Interoperability and Why is it Important?

Interoperability happens when two or more systems can communicate and exchange value. The best way to understand interoperability is to see the early success stories of it in action.  Today there’s about $1T in BTC liquidity and meanwhile, DeFi’s Total Value Locked is still just over $40 billion. Developers have been working to enable users…
KYC and Why It’s Not Needed in DeFi

KYC and Why It’s Not Needed in DeFi

While crypto has been around over 10 years, the most popular apps until the last year have been centralized crypto exchanges. These centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase do billions in trade volume daily but also require users to submit personal details like name, email and even physical address. This might seem harmless at first…
Trust, Intermediaries and Censorship

Trust, Intermediaries and Censorship

When you use a DeFi application, it’s powered by hardcoded rules. The idea is that these rules provide users with the ability to do powerful but predictable things with their money–like borrow, lend, trade, and earn interest. In order for users to coordinate such activities and engage with their money peer-to-peer, it means trusting the…
What Does "Permissionless" Mean and Why Does it Matter?

What Does "Permissionless" Mean and Why Does it Matter?

When you use a DeFi application, there’s no sign-up with your email and name, there’s no ID required, and in most cases, there’s no restriction on your geographical location. All one has to do is click a few buttons and that’s it! Similar to a roundabout, you can enter or exit (deposit or withdraw your…
DeFi Wallets and Self-Custody: How to be 100% in Control

DeFi Wallets and Self-Custody: How to be 100% in Control

In DeFi, your money becomes empowered. You can store it, lend it, trade it, zap it, and track it real-time. It’s a bit like a game but at the heart of this is more control, aka, self-custody. Self-custody refers to individuals being 100% in control of their assets, similar to cash. Except this is digital…
How Does DeFi Differ From CeFi?

How Does DeFi Differ From CeFi?

There are 3 major differences to know between CeFi and DeFi. 1) Centralized finance (CeFi) refer to crypto banking companies like Coinbase, Binance, and Huobi, which are owned by a single entity or corporation. CeFi teams can provide valuable services but they’re 100% in charge. They can let you in and kick you out. In…