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$7.13Price Change 24h: -0.15%

Toncoin (TON) Price Chart

Toncoin (TON) Price Converter


24-Hour Range

$7.05 $7.13

Market Cap

Market Cap$17.57B


Created on01/01/1970

All Time High

ATH Change-13.55%
ATH Date06/15/2024

Toncoin (TON) Price Perfomance

PeriodChange [%]LowHigh
7 days-10.06%$7.92$8.21
14 days-1.08%$7.2$7.3
1 month8.46%$6.47$6.6
1 year413.83%$1.38$1.42

1. What is TON?

Toncoin (TON) is the native cryptocurrency of the TON (The Open Network) blockchain, originally developed by Telegram. However, a tussle with the SEC in 2020 forced Telegram to cut ties with its blockchain project – upon which the TON Foundation took over development.

TON aims to provide fast and cost-effective blockchain solutions, supporting smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

2. How does TON work?

Toncoin operates on the TON blockchain, which uses a unique consensus mechanism called Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Proof of Stake (PoS). Validators are responsible for verifying transactions and creating new blocks, and are chosen according to the amount of TON they hold and stake. This mechanism allows for high transaction throughput while achieving good levels of security. The network can process more than 100,000 transactions per second with minimal fees.

3. Should you use TON?

For users looking for a blockchain that offers high transaction speeds and low costs, Toncoin could be a good option. The network is also developer-friendly, and has been rolling out a large number of dApps.

4. What are the risks of using TON?

Regulatory scrutiny is one the biggest risks associated with Toncoin, especially after the SEC banned its former parent company from issuing tokens to the public. Additionally, the token is relatively new to the market, which can lead to volatility and an uncertain long-term future.

5. What are the benefits of using TON?

Toncoin offers a variety of features for its users, including fast transactions, low fees, and a plethora of applications from gaming to financial services.

7. Who created TON?

Toncoin was initially developed by the Telegram team, led by Pavel Durov. It launched in 2019, but after facing regulatory challenges, Telegram ceased its involvement, and the project was taken over by the TON Foundation.

8. How many TON tokens will there be?

There is no maximum supply on Toncoins.

9. What is TON’s lowest and highest price tag?

TON reached an all-time low of $0.51 on Sep. 19, 2021, and reached an all-time high of $8.25 on June 15, 2024.