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The Superchain Thesis: Scaling Ethereum with Optimism - A Deep Dive with Benjamin Jones

The Superchain Thesis: Scaling Ethereum with Optimism - A Deep Dive with Benjamin Jones

Benjamin Jones is the director of the Optimism Foundation, which is dedicated to scaling Ethereum and the team building Optimism Layer 2. Currently, Optimism sits in third place among Layer 2s with $6.42B in TVL. In this episode, we dive deep into the Superchain thesis and explore how Optimism aims to optimize Ethereum scalability. We start by discussing what Optimism is and its mission to scale Ethereum, moving on to the foundation's end goal and its vision for the future.


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OG DeFi Pioneer Kain Warwick Aims To Transform Crypto UX With Infinex

OG DeFi Pioneer Kain Warwick Aims To Transform Crypto UX With Infinex

Kain Warwick is the founder of Synthetix, an OG DeFi protocol which allows users to mint and trade a wide variety of synthetic assets, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, commodities, and stocks, providing liquidity and exposure without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. His latest project, Infinex, is focused on solving crypto’s UX problems, aiming to make the user experience more intuitive and accessible for all. During EthCC[7], we had the opportunity to interview Kain to dive deeper into Infinex and the solutions they’re planning to solve Crypto UX.


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Research & Opinion

Navigating the Institutional DeFi Trilemma

Navigating the Institutional DeFi Trilemma

Engaging in DeFi at scale presents unique challenges, encapsulated by the "Institutional DeFi Trilemma" model — Risk, Reward, and Capacity.


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Exploring Polkadot’s Parachain Ecosystem

Exploring Polkadot’s Parachain Ecosystem

Parachains function as Layer 1 appchains built on top of Polkadot’s Relay Chain.

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What is Fuel?

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What is PlayFi?

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Getting Started with Polkadot

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Nearly Every Celebrity Token Launched in 2024 Has Gone to Zero

Nearly Every Celebrity Token Launched in 2024 Has Gone to Zero

At least 22 celebrities used to launch memecoins but most have abandoned their projects.


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