

💼Crypto Job Opportunities Evaporated In 2023

The Defiant

The Defiant Daily

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LinkedIn data shows a massive decline in the number of web3 employment opportunities on offer during 2023. Crypto job positions dropped by 84% in the U.S. and 92% in Germany.

In other news, Render is the latest project to exit the Ethereum ecosystem for Solana, activity on Linea is slumping alongside the conclusion of its Voyage campaign, EigenLayer offers restaking-powered appchains, and Starkware tapped Avail for data availability.

✍️ In today’s newsletter:

  • Crypto job offers dry up
  • Render migrates to Solana
  • Linea activity dives 67%
  • EigenLayer-secured appchains
  • StarkWare taps Avail


📈 Markets in last 24 hrs:

BTC$42,250 -1.02%
ETH$2,177 -1.81%
S&P 500$4,698 -1.47%
GOLD$2,038 0.6%
Arch WEB31.21pts +2.44%
FINANCE1.10pts 1.42%
INFRA1.35pts 2.45%
CONSUMER1.47pts 5.24%
Arch WEB3

Learn more about Arch Indices here.


Check out our recent interview with a 13-year-old crypto VC to get his bullish thesis for Eigenlayer and restaking. And watch our podcast with Chris Bradbury, the CEO of, to learn about the project's recent rebrand from and what the move means for users.


The Defiant is not releasing a token any time soon!

Reminder: The correct domain for The Defiant is THEDEFIANT.IO — NEVER click on any links coming from other domains!

A subset of our subscribers have reported receiving a phishing email promoting a Defiant token - To be clear, we do not have a token nor are planning to launch one in the near future. We urge our community to NEVER click on links coming from outside our official communication channels, which are:


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Crypto Jobs Plunged +80% to a Near Death in 2023

TLDR Data from LinkedIn, the professional network social media platform, shows an enormous decline in the number of web3 jobs on offer this year. Crypto-related positions slumped 90% across the platform, with Bitcoin jobs dropping 95%, and blockchain jobs receding by 50%.

SO WHAT The data shows that many companies operating in web3 were forced to downsize and capitulate in response to the extended crypto bear trend. Web3 jobs in the U.S. tanked from 21,901 in 2022 to 3,418 this year.

READ MORE: Crypto Jobs Plunged +80% to a Near Death in 2023


Render is Switching to Solana After 10x-ing This Year

TLDR Render, a protocol for repurposing utilized computing power, is the latest project to migrate from Ethereum's ecosystem to Solana. Tokenholders voted in favor of the move with 54% support, followed by 14% of voters vouching to stay on Polygon.

SO WHAT Investors are backing Render's decision to jump ship, with the project's token tripling in value since the start of October. The move follows an impressive return to form for Solana, which is increasingly rivaling the Ethereum mainnet by on-chain activity.

Read More: Render is Switching to Solana After 10x-ing This Year

Layer 2

Activity On Linea Slumps After Voyage Campaign Concludes

TLDR Activity on Linea is slumping amid the completion of its Voyage campaign. Linea's daily throughput is down 67% since peaking at 15 transactions per second on Dec. 10, signaling that many opportunists are looking elsewhere now that Voyage incentives have ended.

SO WHAT Linea's Voyage proved highly successful, driving network TVL up more than 100% alongside a spike in on-chain activity. However, some incentive campaigns like Voyage have proved effective at pushing up TVL but not activity over the longer term, with activity on Base and Scroll quickly declining after their respective campaigns ended.

Read More: Activity On Linea Slumps After Voyage Campaign Concludes


Bumper, the enhanced crypto trading tool, offers increased efficiency for traders looking to master volatility and maximize their returns.

Through its latest update and migration to Arbitrum, Bumper delivers a new solution for crypto traders to capitalize on volatility. Open a hedged position to lock in a protected floor price with retained upside exposure.

Bumper fundamentally changes the approach to trading crypto, allowing traders to accumulate more of their favorite assets, whichever direction the market goes.

Master volatility with 6 new trading strategies.

Read More:


EigenLayer Unveils ‘Restaked Rollups’ In Collaboration With AltLayer

TLDR EigenLayer, the pioneering Ethereum restaking protocol, has teamed up with AltLayer to facilitate the launch of restaking-secured appchains. Its new "restaked rollups" feature allows developers to quickly spin up application-specific networks.

SO WHAT The partnership between EigenLayer and AltLayer comes as an increasing number of scaling solutions are seeking to facilitate the creation of application-specific chains to mitigate the throughput limits associated with Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks. In the past year, leading Layer 2 teams Arbitrum, ZkSync Era, and Polygon have all deployed tech stacks designed to support appchain development.

Read More: EigenLayer Unveils ‘Restaked Rollups’ In Collaboration With AltLayer


Celestia Rival Avail Partners With StarkWare For Blockchain Data

TLDR StarkWare, a leading team working on Ethereum scalability, tapped Avail, the forthcoming data availability provider that spun out of Polygon. Avail will provide a custom sequencer for the Starknet in addition to data availability services.

SO WHAT The news comes as modular blockchain architecture is gaining traction across web3, with the forthcoming Dencun upgrade and recent success of Celestia shining a spotlight on data availability services.

Read More: Celestia Rival Avail Partners With StarkWare For Blockchain Data


[Op-Ed] Linea's Journey Towards Progressive Decentralization: The Key to Minimizing Trust with Zero-Knowledge Technology

TLDR Declan Fox, the senior product manager for Linea at Consensys, delivers a call to action for rollup providers to outline plans for progressive decentralization and trust minimization. Fox also argues that zero-knowledge solutions are best poised to facilitate decentralized security.

SO WHAT Competition to scale Ethereum is heating up, with a new generation of zero-knowledge rollups seeking to dethrone the incumbent optimistic rollups from Arbitrum and Optimism.

Read More: Linea's Journey Towards Progressive Decentralization: The Key to Minimizing Trust with Zero-Knowledge Technology



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