
Find Yield Enhancing Solutions With Tranchess


Tranchess is a chess-themed DeFi protocol that expands the allure of liquid staking on Ethereum and BNB Chain. But what sets Tranchess apart from other liquid staking protocols like Lido or Rocket Pool? The answer lies in the word itself – tranche. The word comes from TradFi, and it means a portion of the main…

By: Jack Dunham Loading...

Tranchess is a chess-themed DeFi protocol that expands the allure of liquid staking on Ethereum and BNB Chain. But what sets Tranchess apart from other liquid staking protocols like Lido or Rocket Pool? The answer lies in the word itself – tranche.

The word comes from TradFi, and it means a portion of the main fund. Tranchess offers different risk tranches of the original fund based on the investor’s preferred risk level. This is something that both DeFi and traditional investors find appealing.

This video was sponsored by Tranchess.
