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Unlocking Bitcoin's Potential: How Rootstock Uses EVM For Scalability

Unlocking Bitcoin's Potential: How Rootstock Uses EVM For Scalability

Daniel Fogg is the CEO of RootstockLabs, the organization behind the Rootstock sidechain, which is a Bitcoin Layer 2 solution designed to enhance Bitcoin's capabilities with smart contract functionality. Rootstock was launched in January 2018, becoming the first Bitcoin sidechain, and is secured by Bitcoin's hashing power through a merged mining process. This innovative sidechain leverages Bitcoin's security while enabling Ethereum compatible smart contracts, aiming to reduce transaction costs and improve scalability​.


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DexGuru's GURU Network: Advanced AI Tooling For Blockchains

DexGuru's GURU Network: Advanced AI Tooling For Blockchains

Welcome back to the Defiant everyone, today we are talking all about DexGuru and their AI Orchestration Network, known as GURU Network. GURU is designed to be the AI Orchestration Network, responsible for coordinating and creating markets around compatibl...


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Research & Opinion

SocialFi’s coming of age: Solving for user experience, then DeFi

SocialFi’s coming of age: Solving for user experience, then DeFi

SocialFi platforms can benefit greatly by fusing elements of web2 and web3 while integrating DeFi features that are less of a technical barrier and more of supplementing resources.


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What is Polkadot?

What is Polkadot?

Polkadot’s multi-chain architecture presents an alternative approach to scalable Layer-1 blockchains.

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Pendle's TVL Drops 45% as Key Markets Mature

Pendle's TVL Drops 45% as Key Markets Mature

Several liquid restaking markets, including Ether.Fi’s eETH and Renzo’s ezETH, matured on June 27, causing depositors to withdraw funds.


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