

How to trade safely in 5 steps

Volatility is at 2 year high, gas prices are through the roof, and a MEV bot is making hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars A DAY from front running & sandwich attacks. Meme coin trading is a wildly high risk game – some would call it an extreme sport. Many traders end up holding a bag…

By: Jack Dunham Loading...

Volatility is at 2 year high, gas prices are through the roof, and a MEV bot is making hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars A DAY from front running & sandwich attacks.

Meme coin trading is a wildly high risk game – some would call it an extreme sport. Many traders end up holding a bag of worthless tokens, or can’t actually sell to realize their gains.


But if you insist, before you run off and get your entire wallet drained in a rug pull, here’s 5 simple ways you can avoid getting REKT while aping into meme coins.
