

DeFi Alpha: Tokenized Rental Yield With USDR From Tangible

The Defiant

DeFi Alpha

  • Featured Yields: Up to 60% APR on Stablecoins, 61% APR on ETH

DeFi Alpha is a weekly newsletter published for our premium subscribers every Friday, contributed by Defiant Advisor and DeFi investor at 4RC, DeFi Dad, and our Degen in Chief yyctrader.


It aims to educate traders, investors, and newcomers about investment opportunities in decentralized finance, as well as provide primers and guides about its emerging platforms. It is meant to be highly actionable and shareable.

Any information covered in DeFi Alpha should not form the basis for making investment decisions nor be construed as a recommendation or advice to engage in investment transactions. Any mention of a token or protocol should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement.

Yield Alpha

Each week we will provide options to earn yield on ETH, WBTC, stablecoins, and other major tokens.

  • ETH: Up to 61% APR looping ETH 4X on Radiant Capital on Arbitrum


| Newsletter continues below |

Join Secret Surge and earn extra rewards with zero front-running!

Secret Surge is a 6-month program that provides up to $4 million in liquidity provider incentives on selected DeFi apps on Secret Network. And when you join during the first three months, you’ll get double the rewards!

Secret Network is a private-by-default blockchain, which means DeFi apps built on Secret hide your balance and transaction details on-chain. Adding private trades protects you from hackers and scammers, eliminating front-running and other forms of MEV.

Participating dApps include ShadeSwap, a privacy-first and front-running resistant AMM with novel curves for derivatives & stables, and, a DEX with Balancer-style weighted pools and Curve-style stable pools.

So what are you waiting for? With up to $4 million in rewards up for grabs, now is the perfect time to start exploring the power of Secret DeFi! So join Secret Surge and take advantage of Private DeFi benefits.

To stay updated on new Secret Surge opportunities and learn more about private DeFi, follow Secret Network on Twitter, Telegram, or join their Discord!