
Guru Network: Multi Chain AI Compute Layer


As blockchain and AI technologies mature, orchestrating their interactions with real-world business processes becomes increasingly crucial. Traditional smart contracts, while effective within their native environments, are often limited by a lack of secure...

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Guru Network: Multi Chain AI Compute Layer

As blockchain and AI technologies mature, orchestrating their interactions with real-world business processes becomes increasingly crucial. Traditional smart contracts, while effective within their native environments, are often limited by a lack of secure, reliable real-world interaction. On the other hand, existing AI models perform well with simple tasks but face significant challenges when integrated into automated multi-step processes and participant flows.

DexGuru evolves and produces their internal Developers Tooling as Guru Network. It addresses this gap by focusing on AI-driven and user flows orchestration across both on-chain and off-chain sides, providing a robust framework for real-world user actions and blockchain business process automation (BBPA). Base Layer 3 allows dApps and retail users to natively embed orchestrated AI Agents into their routines and earn Network participant rewards.

Flow Orchestrator AI Processors are equipped with all the data sourced from GURU Warehouse. Web3 tech from user perspective is still very manual which adds additional friction on the adoption front as well as causing losses due to user’s mistakes. Automated, battle tested processes deployed onto Gurus Enlightenment network allows for Blockchain orchestration and makes it Effective bring efficiency and Network Value maximization. With Guru Enlightenment network AI Gurus are solving real world business problems over multiple chains combining them in Decentralized Oracle Network.

Utilizing CCIP protocol for multi-chain messaging and value transfer(ERC-20) we build a Multi Chain AI Compute Layer and call it GURU Network. This architecture incorporates off-chain data sourced from Blockchain Business Process Automation (BBPA) Engines, granting atomic visibility into all state changes. These engines publish their Event Bus as oracles on the Guru Network, natively integrated into the DON - Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) Architecture.

Technically Guru Network designed as Layer 3 on Base stack for Multi Chain AI Orchestration via CCIP. We plan launch of incentivized Testnet using 3Base stack on May 25.

Guru Network Participants

  • Gurus: This category encompasses AI Processors, Compute Node Runners, and Individual Workers contributors.
  • Ecosystem Projects: These entities can also function as Gurus, contributing AI Processors and GURU AI Assistants to the network. They can publish their AI Processors and GURU AI Assistants Catalog and Individual Workers for integration by other participants.
  • Individual Agents: AI/Non Custodial Web3 Processors composed by Gurus and run by Compute nodes, utilized by BBPM defined processes.
  • Integrators: For enterprise implementations, integrators serve as middle layer providing b2b adoption of Guru AI Flow Orchestrator and Framework.
  • Retail Users: Retail users utilize the network as assistants from their wallets. Also architecture allows for them to participate in Compute by Earn when idle functionality where they choose which Individual Agents to run when their device/wallet is Idle.

Atomic Franchising Mechanism

The network operates on an Atomic Franchising Mechanism(AFM) facilitated by BBPM (Blockchain Business Process Management) definitions deployed onto BBPA(Business Process Automation) Engines operating in the GURU Network. Individual Agents effectively serve as Lambda functions for serverless compute of AI Processors.Ecosystem projects participate by integrating BBPA Process Definitions into their workflows, utilizing the GURU Flow Orchestrator as deployment and management platform and Framework SDK as their projects core. These projects can publish their AI Processors and GURU AI Assistants Catalog and Individual Workers, which are then integrated into various processes as needed.

For instance, consider a scenario where a company sells auto parts from three warehouses in LA, North Carolina, and Florida, primarily through platforms like Amazon, eBay, and insurance companies. These sales, mainly comprising bumpers and extensive support, are sourced from various platforms. These products are encapsulated, ready for integration into AI Orchestration Scripts in the form of BBPA Process Definitions using the GURU Framework.

Rewards and Incentives

Participants are incentivized for two main contributions:

  1. Instantiating their processes from others (the publisher assigns fees).
  2. Providing their infrastructure as Individual Agents, which are necessary for their business but can handle additional load from those who purchase processes.

Participants receive rewards for process instantiation and for providing their infrastructure as Individual Agents. They become the AI Compute layer on our network, which they can even keep as Private IP and sell, akin to External Workers from Camunda.

Integration with Chainlink CCIP Layer

By incorporating Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network architecture, the Guru Network ensures that off-chain computations and data feeds are securely and efficiently processed, maintaining integrity and confidentiality. Supported blockchains include Arbitrum, Avalanche, Base, BNB Chain, Ethereum, Kroma, Optimism, Polygon, and WEMIX, with many more to come in the future. This approach not only enhances the scalability and performance of blockchain networks but also introduces new possibilities in sectors such as finance, supply chain, and automated customer interactions, where decisions must be data-driven and could be dynamically optimized by AI Models.

Details are available in the Guru Network <-> Chainlink DON <-> CCIP Architecture whitepaper.
