
Mantle - Recent articles

Game Theory, Market Cycles, Investment Mentality, Mantle Network with Jordi Alexander

Game Theory, Market Cycles, Investment Mentality, Mantle Network with Jordi Alexander

Jordi Alexander is the founder of Selini Capital, a trading and venture investing firm focused on digital assets. He's also focused on the Mantle Network, a modular Layer 2 EVM-compatible blockchain that uses optimistic rollups. But before venturing into crypto Jordi was a professional poker player and an expert in game theory.
High Yield with Mantle's Liquid Staking Protocol | mETH Tutorial

High Yield with Mantle's Liquid Staking Protocol | mETH Tutorial

High Yield with Mantle's Liquid Staking Protocol | mETH Tutorial
High Yield Liquid Staking Comes to Mantle

High Yield Liquid Staking Comes to Mantle

DAO-Led Layer 2 Mantle Expands Application Funding and LSD Development