
Olympus - Page 2

DeFi 2.0 Wave of New Projects Test Liquidity Mining Alternatives

DeFi 2.0 Wave of New Projects Test Liquidity Mining Alternatives

Things aren’t getting easier for those struggling to stay current with the lightning quick DeFi space. Just when you think you’re up to speed with the latest token or protocol along comes something new. Brace yourselves because here comes DeFi 2.0. What that term actually means is still in flux. While DeFi 2.0’s meaning is…
What is Olympus Pro? | Can Bonds Really Replace Liquidity Mining?

What is Olympus Pro? | Can Bonds Really Replace Liquidity Mining?

Olympus is a decentralized reserve currency protocol based on the OHM token. Each OHM token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. DAI, FRAX) in the Olympus treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below.