
NFTX - Recent articles

OpenSea’s Struggles Embolden Rivals with New Ways to Play Booming NFT Market

OpenSea’s Struggles Embolden Rivals with New Ways to Play Booming NFT Market

The insider buying scandal at OpenSea has hit just as a crop of rivals are circling the NFT marketplace leader.  On Sept. 15, a startup called NFTX launched what it called “the world’s most liquid decentralized marketplace,” meaning the exchange operates “on chain.” It also permits buyers and sellers to make deals without the need…
NFTX Aims to Spike Liquidity with New Release

NFTX Aims to Spike Liquidity with New Release

The second version of NFTX  is designed to refine one of the core needs in the NFT market — liquidity.  NFTX has long served as a liquidity hub for people who want to buy and sell the cheapest NFTs from any given collection (ie: the lowest-value Cryptopunks).  Zombie Punks Now the V2 will simplify NFTX’s…
Turn your NFTs into ERC20 tokens with NFTX V2

Turn your NFTs into ERC20 tokens with NFTX V2

NFTX is a platform for making ERC20 tokens that are backed by NFT collectibles. These tokens are called funds, and (like all ERC20s) they are fungible and composable. With NFTX, it is possible to create and trade funds based on your favorite collectibles such as CryptoPunks, Axies, CryptoKitties, and Avastars, right from a DEX like…
NFTX Launches NFT Liquidity Pools

NFTX Launches NFT Liquidity Pools

For all the optimism about the potential for NFTs – or non-fungible tokens – to revolutionize digital collectibles, one important drawback has been hanging over the sector; lack of liquidity.  NFTX is seeking to address the issue by debuting an NFT liquidity pool. “NFTX is a platform for making ERC20 tokens that are backed by…