
Matcha - Recent articles

DEX Aggregator Matcha Adds NEW Cross Chain Functionality

DEX Aggregator Matcha Adds NEW Cross Chain Functionality

Will Warren is the Co-Founder of Matcha, a DEX aggregator built by 0x. Matcha recently launched cross-chain swap functionality, allowing users to swap one asset on a particular chain for an new asset on a separate chain with one transaction.
Learn About Matcha And Cross-Chain Swaps

Learn About Matcha And Cross-Chain Swaps

DEX Aggregator Matcha Adds Cross-Chain Functionality
How to Trade GASLESS on Ethereum | Matcha Tutorial

How to Trade GASLESS on Ethereum | Matcha Tutorial

Gasless Trading is a new feature exclusively available on Matcha that allows users to trade on Ethereum without having to pay any gas fees.