
Daoversal Accepted in DIFC's Metaverse Accelerator: Pioneering the Future of Metaverse

External - Press Release

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Daoversal Accepted in DIFC's Metaverse Accelerator: Pioneering the Future of Metaverse

Daoversal, the emerging interplanetary metaverse platform, has been accepted into the DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre) Innovation Hub'sMetaverse Accelerator Programme. This programme is designed to attract the world's leading startups in the blockchain technology field, specifically in the Metaverse space.

The Metaverse is rapidly becoming a new opportunity for financial institutions to innovate and offer virtual experiences. The programme aims to provide private and public institutions with an innovative approach to overcoming challenges and collaborating on new ideas.

Daoversal aims to connect creators and brands through their concepts, projects, and inspirational designs. With the power of AI and social games, the platform allows creators to showcase their digital content and brands to utilize a new marketing terrain, creating new narratives with different niche audiences.

The Metaverse Accelerator Programme aligns with the UAE's strategy to become a global leader in the Metaverse economy, outlining the future for the region and the world. With endless possibilities to collaborate and innovate, Daoversal's acceptance into the programme is a significant milestone for the platform and the Metaverse industry.

"We are thrilled to be accepted into the DIFC Innovation Hub's Metaverse Accelerator Programme, we believe this programme is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with leading institutions and further innovate in the Metaverse space. We are excited to see the future for Daoversal and the Metaverse industry." - Jonah Glasgow, CEO of Daoversal.

Daoversal's acceptance into the programme is a testament to the platform's potential to revolutionize the Metaverse industry and connect creators and brands in a new and innovative way. It is an exciting time for the Metaverse, and Daoversal is set to be at the forefront of this growing industry.
This is eight-week-long program with the goal of developing a proof of concept (POC) by the final week's demo day. Throughout the program, Daoversal is determined to maximize its efforts and create a lasting impression during the demo day.

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