
Alameda Research - Recent articles

Focus Turns to Alameda as Investors Fear Binance Deal Not the Answer for Stricken FTX

Focus Turns to Alameda as Investors Fear Binance Deal Not the Answer for Stricken FTX

Evidence Emerges FTX Used FTT Token for $4B Bailout of Alameda in September
Adamant Targets Alameda With Contentious Governance Vote

Adamant Targets Alameda With Contentious Governance Vote

What a can of worms.  This weekend, Adamant Finance, a yield aggregator on Polygon, initiated a governance vote to “blacklist” wallets it said belong to Alameda Research, a crypto hedge fund that trades up to $10B a day in tokens and derivatives. The fallout has been fast and furious. The action came in response to…